Yorktown Chamber of Commerce
Monthly Meeting – June 20th, 2023
Westwind Farm & Fiber
701 North CR 725 West Street
Yorktown, IN 47396
Call to order / Pledge of Allegiance
INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME: Erin Ailstock, Keith Gary, Tim Williams, Greg Hinshaw, Brianne Kelly, Erin Hurley, Chase Bruton, Kim Spangler, Matthew Leffler, Eric Baize, Carol Kosisko, Kylee Eller, Sarah McCord, David Whitehair, Marissa Earls, Katadyn Connerly, Kristi Ingram, Chad Ray, Brendon Comp, Tanya Shaneyfelt
QUESTION OF THE DAY – Kristi Ingram: Do you have any summer travel plans?
TREASURER REPORT – Kristi Ingram: Approved as submitted.
Notable changes from May include:
+ $740.40 in Membership
+$17,547.04 for Madhatter Sponsorship
+$3,500 Civic Green Sponsors
-$9,697.88 for Madhatter Expenses
-$2,000 for Civic Green Expenses
-$156.56 for Postage and Fees
Actual Chamber Balance: $66,734.43
SECRETARY REPORT – Erin Ailstock: Approved as submitted.
HOT SPOT: Westwind Farm & Fiber: Kylee Eller is the owner of Westwind Farm and Fiber. They have been at their location for 10 years. Their kids have always been involved in 4H. They hosted a pre-school class at the farm over 6 years ago and that is where the thought to open Westwind Farm & Fiber came from. They opened the doors to the community 5 years ago. They host field trips, they have hayrides and pumpkins in the fall. They can host birthday parties, anniversaries..etc. They have an event called the Fiber Festival and in August, they will be involved in the Delaware County Barn Crawl.
SCHOOL REPORT – Dr. Greg Hinshaw: The school corporation is fully staffed as of June. They are in the process of working on building maintenance. They are currently working on long range planning for the High School-if everything goes as expected, construction will start next summer. The board is in the process of looking at rebranding. The softball team ended up as Regional champions and the golf team finished being Sectional champions. The mural in the gym will be included in phase 2 of the rebranding.
TOWN REPORT – Chase Bruton, Yorktown Town Manager: The Civic Green concerts are in full swing. They’ve been successful! The 4th of July is full of activities for the Yorktown community to enjoy. Activities include: duct tape boat race, 4 for the 4th run, food vendors, and fireworks at 9:45. Chase discussed some construction work to the roads that will begin soon.
Q & A:
What business is going into the old town building? Noble Spirits leased the building.
Program: Kylee Eller-Down on the Farm:
Kylee gave us a “field trip” of the farm. They have Shetland sheep, goats, rabbits, a mini pony, and chickens. The have a variety of goats ranging from Alpine, Pygmy, Angora, and Boer crosses at Westwind Farms. Their children show the goats in 4-H and enjoy them as pets. They have a small rabbitry consisting of Giant, French, and Satin Angora rabbits. They raise them for wonderful fiber, shows, and pets. Angora rabbits are very docile, friendly, and curious. They have a few New Zealand rabbits that they raise for 4-H projects. Kylee took us to their gift shop and explained the process of turning Shetland Fleece into Fibers. They process all of their own Shetland fleeces for hand spinners and fiber enthusiasts in their own fiber workshop. They sell raw fleeces, washed fleeces, picked fleeces, roving batts, and handspun yarn. They will ship our products anywhere in the USA or Canada. They have an online store that you can purchase their products: https://www.westwindfarmandfiber.com/farm-goods
Member Announcements: No member announcements.
TIP OF THE MONTH – No tips for the month of June.
ADJOURNMENT: Promptly at 9:00 a.m.
No meeting in July
Next Meeting: August 15th, 8:00 a.m.
Yorktown Fire Department at
8905 W. Smith St., Yorktown