Yorktown Chamber

Monthly Meeting

June 21, 2022

Yorktown Middle School


INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME:  Mark Goodpaster, Brenda Williamson, Kat Blankenbaker, Kristi Ingram, Tim Williams, Ryan Vaughn, Ed Armantrout, Brendon Comp, Keith Gary, Steve Stroeh, Mary Ann Stroeh, Bonita Ramirez, Barb Baker, Carolyn “Buffy” Grieves, Michael Grieves, Joel Brumley, Sarah McCord, Wes Thornburg, Greg Hinshaw, Tyler Ewing, Maureen Walby


QUESTION OF THE DAY: Have you attended any of the events on the Green? Many have attended and others plan to attend before the summer is over.


TREASURER REPORT: Kristi Ingram – Money has come in for memberships and sponsorships for the Civic Green concerts. Approved as submitted.


SECRETARY REPORT: Approved as submitted


WEBSITE REBUILD: Website rebuild discussed with members. Farmhouse Creative submitted the most reasonable bid. Members voted and approved contract to be awarded to Farmhouse Creative.


TOWN REPORT: Roundabout project under construction. Ribbon cutting held at the Oliver Building. All commercial spaces have been rented with Four Day Ray Brewing to occupy one of the commercial spaces. All apartments are rented with a current waiting list. New coffee shop opening soon.


LUNCH AND LEARN:       Brendon Comp reported that lunch and learns will be offered in September with date to be announced. Meeting will be held at El Rancho in Yorktown.


CIVIC GREEN: Kat Blankenbaker – More concerts to come. Events have been very successful; thanks to the sponsors. Plan to have a metal fence with advertising plaques available for sponsorship.


PROGRAM: Dr. Greg Hinshaw – Yorktown Middle School – Dr. Hinshaw reported that the original building was constructed in 1954-1955 with an expansion done in 1965. There has been no space added in approximately 40 years.  Enrollment is up by 240 students and with the increase of students in 2018, the board began planning for the new project which also included renovations to Pleasant View. The $5 millions project included the involvement of all teachers who provided input about the areas of need for students. A public hearing was held in July 2019, with construction getting underway in March 2020.


A few projects are still being completed, with currently completed new restrooms and many new classrooms, renovation of the cafeteria, library, new office space and elevator. There are still some discretionary projects that will be completed but funds are available to cover these projects.


There were two different bonds, one for $15 million, and one for $2.5 million, with $8.6 million in accumulated cash, for a total project cost of $26 million. The size of the school has been increased by 42,000 square feet of space.


Tours of the new building followed with questions and answers during the tour.


MISCELLANEOUS NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yorktown Kiwanis will be hosting a blood drive on July 6. Ed Armantrout distributed flyers with other details; Joel Brumley, Community Foundation Program Officer provided information about the endowments for this year – Three grants were awarded which included a $3K to the Yorktown Farmers Market for improving technology; $2K to Yorktown Band Boosters; $2K to Yorktown Reach Ministries; Information provided about the Pencil Project. All pictures posted on Facebook with the “big pencil” will result in donations of pencils to school children.


TIP OF THE DAY:              Mark Goodpaster – How to tip. At a coat checking station, the tip should be $1 per coat or $2 for a larger bag or item; tip at a hair or nail salon should be 15%; tip for a taxi driver should be 15-20% of fare; if ride sharing tip should be $2 per rider; tip at a restaurant should be 20% of the bill.  Final tip: “Men aren’t stupid. If a man loves you, that man will do anything to keep you.”


NEXT MEETING:               August 16 – The Oliver Meeting Room, 2101 S. Meadowview Dr., Yorktown, IN 47396