DATE: February 20, 2024
START TIME: Meeting 8:00 AM
LOCATION: Smith Street Studio’s
9152 W Smith St, Yorktown, IN 47396
Agenda: 7:45-8:00 Doors open/Coffee served
8:00 am: Call to order / Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction: Brianne Kelly-Members-Question of the Month: Who is your favorite superhero?
Attendees: Bonnie Allen, David Whitehair, Keith Gary, Tyler Ewing, Stephanie Wehrle, Ted Ward, Eric Baize, Rich Lee, Kim Spangler, Mary Anne Stroeh, Ryan Gernand, Kelsey Gernand, Marta Guinn, Chase Bruton, Erin Hurley, Brianne Kelly, Scott Jordan, Ethan Snyder, Preston Grant, Brendon Comp, Ed Armantrout, Katadyn Connerley, Carolyn Grieves, Erin Ailstock, Greg Hinshaw, Mark Goodpaster, Alvie Sargent
Hot Spot: Breakfast Sponsor (3 minutes): Westminster Village: Tyler Ewing: talked about Westminster Village’s 50th Anniversary Open House/Ribbon Cutting that will take place on March 1st from 4-7 pm. Also talked about the brick fundraiser that Westminster currently has going on.
Presentation of last month’s Minutes: Erin Ailstock: no minutes to approve due to not having a chamber meeting in January.
Treasurer Report: Tony Coston-Mark Goodpaster stepped in for Tony due to him not being able to be there but there was no financial information given to approve.
School Report: Dr. Greg Hinshaw: Dr. Hinshaw didn’t have a lot to report on but wanted to let everyone know that at the end of next week, the bid opens for the High School Project.
Town Report: Chase Bruton: Summer events: Concerts on the Green, Science Central will be held on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., movies on Wednesday nights (more details to come on the movies), and fitness classes. Road projects coming up: Broadway (32-town limits), 600 West & Isonogel for next year, and looking at improving the intersection at Tiger & River Rd. The Parks Department is working on a 5-year plan. They want to fix Marrow Meadows bathrooms and the trail connections at Tiger Driver to the Players Club. Downtown Development has 4 empty blocks that they are considering a 113-unit apartment building and commercial space.
Question: Will there be additional parking?
Answer: Looking at parcels but nothing is set in stone.
Question: Is there a grocery store coming to town?
Answer: The town has done a survey and most of the Yorktown residents shop at Meijer, they have tried to find something smaller such as a deli and meat market.
Shafer Leadership Information: Ted Ward: Shafer Leadership provides access to all of Yorktown Chamber members to the programs that they have available. They can have unlimited chamber members attend any event that they host virtually and 3 members for the live sessions.
Program: Ryan Gernand “Making Your Business Look Good”
The chamber meeting was held at Smith Street Studios, Ryan did let everyone know that the space could be rented out. They wanted to create a space that would add value to the community.
How do we make ourselves look good? 1) Your company website: is it okay not to have a website? Yes, as long as the company’s landing page is good with information that is on that page. The information must be updated. Make the landing page domain go to your Facebook page if you do that well. Local SEO optimization: are you using keywords? Do you let others know that you are a local business? You need pictures and words that show you are local. Does the company’s website speak local? If not, make sure that it does. 2) Genuine images speak volumes: pictures should show exactly what you have to offer! Use locally sourced photos. 3) Websites need to be designed to be mobile-first if you are a business to consumers. If you are business to business, desktop first. 4) Clear and compelling call to action: pushes people to do what you want them to do. Needs to stand out. The primary digital page needs to be inviting. Can clients and customers navigate easily to get the information they want? If you are utilizing a call to action, are you getting the results you want?
Social Media: if your customers go to the business’s social media pages, does it feel like the same company as your website? Does it have the same visuals and graphics? Is it engaging and compelling? How well does the post engage the target audience and get engagement? Check the likes and shares that the company’s social media page gets. Spend more time on the post that are engaging. Are you engaging with the local community or are you just speaking to them? Are you under or over-communicating? 2-4 posts per day should be the max that any company posts. If you post too much or not enough, both can be a problem. Are you on-topic or off-topic? Make sure your message goes with who you are and the company brand.
Are you using social media advertising? It is cost-effective and inexpensive to promote your business to your target audience.
Have you done a SWOT Analysis for your website or social media? The analysis will provide work you can do for the website and social media accounts.
Lunch and Learns: Brendon Comp- The first lunch and learn will be held on March 7th. The next one will be in June. This is free for members to attend and $10 for non-members.
Thursday, March 2024 11:30 am to 1:30 pm with Tisha Gierhart
Pizza King, Yorktown. “Multi-Generational Teams”
Ambassador news: Katadyn Connerley, Upcoming events, and request for more ambassador chairs. The Ambassadors are going to be hosting quarterly luncheons. The first one is on 2/22 at Mr. Mouse from 11:30-1. Katadyn discussed the July picnic that they are planning. They currently have 3 ambassadors (Marissa Earls, David Whitehair, and Katadyn Connerley). On March 14th they are hosting a Chamber After Hours at The Oliver from 4:30-6:30. They are currently looking for sponsors and door prizes to give away at these events. Everything will be posted on the Chamber’s calendar on the website by the end of the week.
Civic Green Report: Sponsorships are open and a few are still available.
Member Announcements:
Ed Armantrout: Kiwanis will do taxes for free if you make $66,000 or less annually.
Keith Gary: Delaware County Football Club is selling limestone blocks. $250 each and there are 54 available.
Katadyn Connerley: Her son is in Cub Scouts and they are looking for community service projects to do. If you know of any, reach out to Katadyn.
Brianne-she wanted to let all members know to check their website listings and that she has window clings available if you want one for your business.
Tip of the day: Mark Goodpaster
If you are in a hotel and forgot your USB port to charge your phone, the back of the T.V. has a USB port.
If you like iced coffee, make your ice cubes out of coffee
If you have a hard time peeling boiled eggs, add a tsp of baking soda to the pot and the shell should fall right off when they are ready to peel.
If you are on the interstate and see the exit signs…if the sign is on the right, the exit is to the right, if it is on the left, the exit is to the left.
Adjournment: Promptly at 9:00 am
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 19th. We are looking for a meeting location. If you are willing to host this at your business or have any suggestions, please let Kat Blakenbaker or Mark Goodpaster know.