Yorktown Chamber of Commerce

Monthly Meeting

January 21, 2020

Yorktown Town Hall


OPENING AND WELCOME: Keith Gary, Greg Hinshaw, Matt Anderson, Kylee Eller, Steve Perry, Leslie Baim, Carolyn Grieves, Tony Miller, Bonita Ramirez, Mark Goodpaster, Mike Baker, Barb Baker, Todd St. John, Patti Decker, Rachel Tucker, Maureen Walby, Ed Armantrout, Mary Ann Stroeh, Steve Stroeh, Sarah McCord, Kristi Ingram, Sharon Grubbs, Pete Olson, Erica Bouse, Brendon Comp

QUESTION OF THE MONTH: Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions and if so, have you broken them yet? Most responded they had made no resolutions.

BREAKFAST SPONSOR:  Mutual Bank – Kristi Ingram – Mutual Bank has been in Yorktown since 1977 and has sponsored many events in the community and with Ball State University. The bank has been recently acquired by a bank out of Warren, PA, also a community-focused banking system. The expected date of transition will be April 24, 2020.

SECRETARY REPORT: Approved as submitted.

TREASURER REPORT: Approved as submitted.


Awards Luncheon – Committee was thanked for their work in planning and implementing the December event.

TOWN REPORT: Pete Olson – The Chamber was welcomed to the new Town Hall building. Olson reminded Chamber members of the town meeting 1/21/2020, which would be discussing the new proposed apartment complex as well as the golf cart ordinance. Olson discussed the proposed upgrades to the sewer plant for phosphorous removal, which would most likely result in an increase of $8.00 per month in sewer bills. The park project is ongoing with expected completion 7/1/2020.

LUNCH AND LEARN: Brendon Comp – Comp indicated that the first Lunch and Learn held on January 15, had been very successful. The next opportunity will be February 27, at the Town Hall Building, with registration date by February 24.

Shafer Leadership – Learning Events with the first opportunity on January 23, with 36 opportunities available within the coming year. “Leading by Providing Customer Experience” is the topic of the first session which will be held at Innovation Connector. The program includes lunch. Comp provided the opportunity for three members to attend: Sharon Grubbs, Brendon Comp and Leslie Baim. The second event scheduled for January 30, “Understanding Conscious Bias” will be 8:30 a.m. – 12:00: Rachel Tucker, Sharon Grubbs, Brendon Comp.

PROGRAM: Yorktown Community Schools Building Project – Dr. Greg Hinshaw – Dr. Hinshaw presented an overview of the upcoming building and renovation project at Yorktown Middle School. Hinshaw stated there had been no instruction space added to the building since 1977 with an increase in enrollment of approximately 200 students in the last decade. Planning for the project began in November, 2018, including feedback from parents. The multimillion project is scheduled to get underway March 1, 2020 with expected completion in 2022. Plans and sketches of the new building were shown. A question and answer opportunity followed the presentation. Hinshaw stated that there will be some disruption but the traffic patterns will be similar to the current ones.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Yorktown Kiwanis Club will be preparing tax returns. For further information contact Ed Armantrout at (765) 749-4354; LifeStream Services will be celebrating its 45th anniversary with a celebration to be hold at Cornerstone Center for the Arts on March 13, 2020. For further information call LifeStream at (765) 759-1121; The Odd Fellows Car Show is scheduled for April 25, 2020.

TIP OF THE MONTH: Mark Goodpaster – Goodpaster commented, “The Yorktown Chamber works because people help.” Goodpaster presented tips for what NOT to do when in an interview: Don’t be late; don’t use your phone during an interview; don’t go into the interview with no prior knowledge of the company or organization; don’t provide information about your previous employer. Interview “Do’s” include dressing appropriately, have a concise resume, answer questions specifically, be present and interested.


NEXT MEETING:         February 17, 2020 – Bring a Guest!